Inside the University Mailroom

While the holiday season for most people is about enjoying time with their loved ones and vegging on the sofa, those working at university mailrooms can find it stressful and literally be flooded with packages.

Rolling packages, undelivered packages, and returning packages—there’s a lot for the university mailroom staff to handle during the holiday season.

Additionally, a longer than usual queue of inquiring and impatient students can be found waiting outside the mailrooms during this time, which can make for perfect holiday mayhem.

So, how can university mailrooms better prepare themselves to handle the influx of the holiday season?

Our experts at TekCore have some tips…

Lay Out A Plan

It’s very important to have a custom plan for the holiday season before the holiday rush begins. University mailroom managers should sit down with their subordinates and discuss how the increased mail load can be managed efficiently.

Open discussion should be encouraged, and everyone should be allowed an equal opportunity to participate. If temporary changes to employee schedules need to be made, the changes should be proposed and discussed in an employee meeting before being implemented.

Organize The Workspace

When mailrooms are cluttered, it’s easy for packages to get misplaced. Chances of this happening are even greater during the holiday season.

Therefore, it’s critical to organize the mailroom workspaces before the start of the holiday season for easy, convenient and efficient package processing. Revamps should be carried out at the workstation level. Checks should be made to ensure that all workstations are equipped with the resources they need to efficiently handle the process. University mailrooms may also use color-coding mail sorters for greater mail processing efficiency.

Use Package Tracking Software

Package tracking software digitize the entire package handling process which increases processing speed and improves staff efficiency. Using package tracking software, university mailroom staff can automatically log packages into the system, accurately sort packages, inform students about the arrival of their packages and conveniently deliver packages to the intended recipients.

In case of complaints, the captured chain of custody can be used to track individual packages and resolve any complaints. Mobile-friendly software tools can offer further flexibility for the university mailroom staff.

Don’t let the holiday season mail load caught your university mailroom off-guard. Start planning for it today!



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